Wednesday, May 26, 2010

YOU THE MAN - XC - 4th Quarter

what lead to the underlying dynamics that lead to domestic violence i felt were a few reasons. one of the character he played was a guy trying to help his friend out with her boyfriend. what her boyfriend has been doing was being rude to her and otherthings while people were around. her friend kept trying to tell her to leave him but she wouldnt listen and at got to a point where they could not meet up because her boyfriend didnt want them meeting up anymore. what the guy did was called a hotline which didnt help out at all like they gave him some advice but it was not really that helpfull. in this story we really are not that show why the guy kept doing what he was doing to the girl unless he was abused as a child than it would make some sense why he was acting the way he was to her. her friend was really trying to help but she didnt want any help at one point and the hotline he called couldnt really help him with what he needed. in the other character he played was a basketball player where his friend showed a video to the whole team on the girl he had sex with and it sort of look like rape because she kept telling him to stop, what ending up happening was that the school found out and now the whole basketball team is introuble for watching it. i think if he was to step up and say something about watching the video that maybe it could have stoped them from geting introuble like if he were to walk out and othe people followed maybe the guy who made the video could reclect and see what he has done.

i am not sure if theres really one thing you can do to stop domestic violence its just like one of though things where it will always be there in some ways. maybe if it was talked about more and there was more centers / hotlines to call it might help but its kind of hard to try to stop it. because what sometimes happens is a person is abused as a child than when he grows up he starts doing the samething and it keeps going on like that untill someone decides to try to help that person or the person trys to help himself by stoping what he was doing and try to get some help for himself. in the play when the guy was trying to help his friend get out of that relationship he trys really hard to help but it someways it backfired because she still wanted to stay with that guy and the guy didnt want her near him anymore.

HW 58

the first guest speaker Rob came in to talk about parenting he was telling as how one thing that hes going to do for his daughter is to rise organically and also how when hes at work a nanny with be taking care of her. i feel that this is a good way to rise a child in some ways. i dont think that you should expose a child to much tv at such a early age. he also said how hes been reading to her and also talking to her in spanish so she can learn. another thing that he did say was all the reading that he did about taking care of a child he hardly used when he finally got eva he said that most of thoses books arnt really help full anyway because every child is different. from what rob was saying i think that he going to rise eva quiet well because he knows mostly what to do when she need thing. i feel that once you have that bonding with a child it tends to get easyer to know what they want. he also said how hes not going to rise his daughter how he was normaly rised but he is has another way which seems to be working better but here and there he might take some parts of how he was rised and apply it to eva.

this unit has showed me so far that there are alot of ways you can rise a child and also how the books that are out there that talk about riseing a child half the time doesnt apply to the solution because every child is different and depending on the book its mostly broad so it is not that help full. what people usallly do is the way they were brought up is the way they want to bring up there childern, or if they didnt like the way there were brought up they will just change it so they can bring up there child in a different way. i think that depending on how you were brought up does impact alot of things you do and alot of your reactions to when you have a kid.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HW 57

i think that the way kids should be parented is pretty simple if you just teach them right from wrongs and teach them little basic things like school and also how to be able to take care of themselfs in some ways. when it comes to if babys should be treated like adults or puppies i think that you it should be a mixture of both, like i think that you should start teaching them from young like the right and wrong things but in another case there are still young so they wont fully get what your trying to teach them and since they are still babys they will do what you told them not to do but later on there still to understand. when it comes to parenting coming naturally i think that most of it does because you are just mostly reteaching what you were tought and also in some ways the values you live up to, but than there might be some cases where you are not that sure what to do and you might need some help.

i read the artcle When Parenting Theories Backfire and the theorie that she was trying to do for her child was "Love and Logic" which just means that your giving your child endless choices throughout the day. i could see already that this would in some way backfire because if you keep giving a kid choices all the time and than when its time where he has no choices and he has to do one thing, its not going to work hes either going to try to find away around it or bottom line not do it. like its ok do give a kid choices here and there but not all the time because than its just going to backfire.

the other artcle i read was called "WHAT ATTACHMENT PARENTING IS –THE 7 BABY B'S" and pretty much what that was talking about was how theres 7 states i guess you would say and in each state just gets more attached to your child like the first state they had was Birth bonding and thats when the baby sees you for the first time and you see it and from there you tend to bond closer and closer. another point they made was balance and how to make sure you balance time with your baby and other things to not only do one thing and not the other.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Matt: i think that it plays a big roll, because it effects them mentally sometimes they feel like they cant do better than how they were raised so they feel that they have to act like that

question: do you think that the person can still change?

matt: it can change but there going to need someone to influence that change.

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Abe: of course its going to impact the child it impacts them physical and it also impacts them mentally wise because there growing up in a unsafe environment. i also think there are cases where serial killers were abuse by there family so if there were abuse there are more likely to abuse there own kids when they become a parent.

question: do you think that the person can still change?

Abe: if there getting abuse there whole life i think that its going to be very hard for them to change but not impossible under the right and put them behide them and move forward than they should be able to but if they stay in the same spot and no cermanctence t do anything about it than its more likely that they wont change and will just end up abusing there kids.

i felt that what Abe and matt said was right and i agree with most of what they said. i think that if a person were to be in a abusive family and get abuse it would effect a lot of things and relationships that they might have. depending on i guess how they get abusive would effect them and it would be hard to try to change how the person grows up without someone to help them out because all they would know is the abuse they got a home and than will show in how they act or they might just turn out the same way they were getting treated at home

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW 55

my research question is what do we expect from family, friends and other relationships.
this website kind of gives a broad idea of what a family is one of the definitions that they give of a family is "A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children" which is true but in some ways its pretty broad.
this website talks about friendships and pretty much what people look for in a friendship one thing that i agree with was "Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." which i agree with because if there your true friend you should be able to tell them anything without having to worry about it
this website talks about co worker relationships and through most of the arctle it talks about things that you should do to strengthan them but than i feel like some of the things they talk about is to not be rude to the person but to get what you want done like “Selectively define the things you say,” Moss adds. If you disagree with a co-worker’s ideas, glean what you like and overlook the rest. Let the person make suggestions that relate to your clients and projects. “As long as this person feels involved, the project will keep moving forward uninterrupted.” so pretty much your just listening to the person so they feel like you listen to them in some ways.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HW 54

When i was taking the test i felt that at one point it started to ask the same question again but in a different way which depending on how it stated it made me want to change what i wrote before. i feel that the test is sort of good to see where you are at in that scale i guess you would say. when i took the test it gave me a Your type is "ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population"
in some ways i agree with what it saids but there are just little things here and there that i dont think that relates to me or i can connect to in a way.

what i also remember reading about this is that even though there might be people with different letters and such what they said was how one is not really better than the other and how each different letter people get is inportant and one is not inportant than the other because its all equal. i do think though that this survey is not 100% right that alot of the question are broad in a way that most people could fit in and sometimes it might be hard group people like this because sometimes people feel like there in the middle of each question.

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 53

i felt ok with taking the surveys there was a few question that i didn't think that would be on the survey because some were pretty personal but i was ok with answering the question, some questions that i thought that made me think deeply were the question about if your family has told you something that you wish they didn't tell you and it made me think because i could not really think of a time where my family said something that i was shocked about, like we are freely with each other about things but noting very personal that i was shocked about. from the results i see that most people are very close to there family and that most of the time they tell there family everything. i think what i found sort of shocking in a way was have you ever though of committing suicide and how one person did think about it. i guess its not shocking in the world for people but i wouldn't think that someone who i go to class with everyday would think about doing something like that.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52

When it comes to Family and other people the relationship well at least for me could change. there are just different ways that i would act to people that i don't really know and people that i know / are my family. for example when it comes to my family at least i like to help out anyway i can and if they have a problem with something i try to to help them with that problem and go the extra mile and stuff. when it comes to people or people i don't really know that well if they would need help with something i would see what i could do if i can help i will but if i cant i will stop trying. i kind of feel that when it comes to family at least you feel the need to help them more because there your family and there always going to be your family no matter what. versus people you don't really know you don't feel the need to do anything for them because you don't really know them and you don't really see the reason in to helping them. The only other person that i would really try to help out other than my family would be a friend. be it has to be a friend that i knew for awhile and talk to. because at that point they would feel like family in some ways and that would want me to try to help them because there are sort of like family.

one thing that is inportant i feel to get through life is to be able to make good relationship with people. The reasons that i feel that its inportant is because if you are good at making relationship with other people the the time comes they might be able to help you out and vise versa. if you dont really make good realtionship and your like mean to everyone than that might not get you that far in life because no one would want to work with you and you will struggle probibly in life so its good to have good realtionship with people.

another thing that can effect how people have realtionship is religion reasons being sometimes people wont have realtionship with people who have a different religion which is rarly the case but sometimes it does happen which i think is kind of silly in away because even though your religion might be different there might be still alot of things people have in common and i see that alot of the religion out there sometimes have something similar between them so i dont really see why some people would not be friendly with other people just because of that.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HW 51

school is just another milestone in life you could say, another stepping stone that you have to go through. It also helps you curve what you plan to do in life or want you want to do in life in some ways as well. Sometimes students complain about how we shouldn't have to go to school and how its a waste of time, which there are some days i feel the same way but if you think about it if you never went to school you would never really learn how to read and how to write. which would limit alot of the things you could do in life. One thing that some schools do well at least at our school i feel that it does that is it makes us think for ourselves and also lets as make smart choices later in life. In this paper i will show some of the postives and negetive things about school.

one thing that i dont fully agree on is the time school starts.Since kindergarten I was always forced to wake up early to go to school which I never figure out why. Everytime I have to wake up for school usally the first peroid class I feel pretty sleepy still and awake but not awake at the sametime. I think that if school were to start later that it would not only help people who struggle geting to school on time but it also might help people grades. One school did a survey to see what the students think and what they got back was that if school were to start later they might be able to in joy it more and also it would help there grades. Another piece of research that I heard about was how the brain is not that activey tilll one time, like your brain would be awake but not fully and maybe that's I feel a little lost in my first peroid class cause my brain is not fully activey and how the later classes I feel that I do better because I feel more awake and my brain probily is more activy later in the day than the morning.

The other flaw i think that alot of school tend to have is the students dont feel motivated to learn. i think that the reason to this is because sometimes what teachers would do is they would just teach from the textbook, which alot of students would find really boring and would not find the need to learn. i think Mr. Fanning said it best when he said that our generation was raised up on computers and all these electronics and the way the school system is set up doesnt really fit with how we grew up which makes alot of the things we do in school boring because we cant really relate to it. if the school system were to change a few things than i think more students would be motivated to learn.
what this article is talking about is sort of a guide to help teachers in some way. because it talks about how some students are motivated to learn and than how there are some students that need motivated from the teachers. more in the article it starts to list some ways that teachers can do it.
this article talks abouts how school should start later and in the article they did a survey and it showed that if school were to start later that students who find it hard to wake up in the morning well get better grades because they would have more energy to do that work.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 50


i agree with alot of what gatto was saying. a few things that he said were how school should not be a place where you hate going, it should be a place where you want go to and learn interesting things in school while also learning about the outside world. another thing that he saids is how homeschoolers have it less bad than people who go to public school because they don't have to endure what we go through.


From what i understood a few things that he was saying was how teachers are meant to fill the student with content and also how students are forced to memorizes and repeats phrases without really understanding what they really stand for. another thing that he mentions is how the teachers are the ones in control and they are the ones who bestowed the gift of knowledge to the students.


one of delpit goals is to try to give African Americans in low income family's a good education. one thing that she saids that i do agree with is ""If teachers make judgments only according to the tests being inflicted on the children by the schools, then they can misunderstand their children's brilliance." which i agree with because students have different strengths in different areas so some students could be a good test taker and some are not and if teachers were to judge just on that than they would be missing some of the strenghts of the students.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Extra Credit : The Class

when the movie started i thought that i was going to see like another teacher being the one trying to help the students out with problems they might have or the teacher trying to save the day in some way, which was sort of true but that wasn't really all that was happening. when the first day of school started we saw that the students were giving the teacher a hard time and not really respecting him that much. the next day one of the students that he had last year that he liked and she always respected him didn't respect him the next day and refused to read when she was asked. which was a big deal for him because he knew that student well and for her to be doing this was odd. Than later when he checked his mail boxes he got a letter from her saying that she still respects him and all but she some what changed and how not to be to friendly with her in a way in class because he will be looking for trouble. i thought that was one of the highlights in the movie. The other major highlight in the movie was Souleymane what started happening with him is that he started acting up in class and there was one day where he acted up so much that the teacher finally got fed up and took him to the principles office. which from there started another chain of events because when the teachers had a meeting about students and grades they talked about Souleymane while the teachers were talking about him acting up in class the student reps were also there but they were talking to each other about other things. the next day in class when the teacher was teaching the ourburst started happening because the student reps told Souleymane about what happen in the meeting which ended up geting the teacher so worked up that he called the student reps Shanks which caused Souleymane to get more upset tryed to leave the class room and ended up by hiting a student in the eye by mistake but caused the student to bleed.

I dont really think that you can really blame one person for what happen to Souleymane because there was alot of things that were just adding to the fire which made Souleymane snap in away. one thing that Souleymane did wrong was geting upset alot and having outburst because if he had never had that first outburst where it got him kicked out of class the rest of the events that followed would not have happen so you kind of have to give him some blame for that. One thing that the teacher did wrong was calling the student reps shanks because i think that was one of the major reason that Souleymane snaped the second time i thin kthat Souleymane felt that he needed to defend them in a way but the way he did it wasn't the right way because he ended up geting in to more trouble. what the teacher than found out later from a student was that if Souleymane were to get kicked out of that school how his father might send him back to the village where hes from, which than from there he did try to defend Souleymane by telling the other teachers that we should not go through with this meeting and also told the teachers what the students told him. But i guess the teachers were just fed up with his behavor that they still wanted to go through with the meeting anyways even if it means for him to get kicked out of school. So the teacher did try to save him / defend him but the other teachers were just fed up with him.

If we were to compare this to SOf i think that we would not see that many simlar things, one thing that might be simlar one be the first day back from school and how everyone usallys not listen to the teacher because its the first day and there trying to get back in to school mode and stuff. one thing thats different is that when teachers are having meeting talking about grades and students i dont think that we have students in the same room because that just caused alot of conflucts because right after that meeting the next day the students that were there went and told the other students everything that happen which started the whole outburst. i also think thats why we dont have students at Sof in a room with teachers when there talking about other peoples grade and other people.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

hw 48

The opening scene should show a teacher geting out of bed and geting dressed to go to school. As you see the teacher doing this you would see that the way he's doing it is pretty unlife like because the expression of his face would be sad and depressing as he gets ready he heads out and take the train to school. At school you would see all these kids walking around talking loud as the teacher walks pass some of them a few said hi to him but he didn't reponsed and just kept walking, he than walks in to the office clocks in and heads to his classroom. He opens the door to the class room sits down at his desk and than waited till class started. Students started to walk in some said hi to the teacher and his responds was a simple wave. He than started class teaching from the textbooks like he usally does untill the bell rings and class was over. Some students started talking amongs themselfs and wonder why was he so derepessed and sad all the time so they decide that they were going to try to help him..........

This type of story is sort of like all the movies we watched in andys class but the big difference between the movies we watched in andys class and this is that this time the teacher is the one with problem and its not the students so its like instead being the savior the students would be the one, what the students try to do next is that they try to help the teacher so that he would not be so depressed all the time and maybe change in a good way for himself and also for them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HW 46 - Research and Writing

the book that i read was called "what are my rights" by Thomas A. Jacobs, JD and the book talks about questions that teens have about there rights. one question that was in the book was "how long do i have to stay in school" there response to that was "different states have different ages for compulsory school attendance. you can call any school district to office to find out what required where you live." it goes on by saying if you stop going to high school you can still get your diploma by enrolling in a GED. another question that was asked was "do i have to go to school?" and the response to that was by law you have to go to school and if you are under age and you are not attending school that your parents will get in-trouble for you not attending. the article i read was and it talked about how school should start later.

The article that i was relates to my topic because my question was should school start later. what this article talks about is a survey that they did with teenagers, some of the questions that were ask was to they get enough sleep and the response was that they don't and how its usually a struggle for them to get up in the morning to head out to school. another thing that was said was how also if tests/ quizs were to start later in the day how the grades result would be better for students that find it hard to wake up in the morning and don't get enough sleep.

i think if they did a survey and all and it shows that teens dont get that much sleep and also it effects how they do in school i think that they should just push school back a little bit so that teens could get the sleep they need for them to do good in school.

Monday, March 22, 2010

HW 45 - More Big Thoughts on Schools

i feel that both of the theories do contradict each other because i feel like they sort of have the same messages just in different ways. i think that i like Sizer's theory more one of the reasons is because SOF was pretty much made from his theories. and from being at sof for so long i feel that his theory is mainly to think more with your minds versus the other theory which i feel is more structured.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

hw 42

I feel that my question is pretty inportant because I always did wonder why did school started so early. Since kindergarten I was always forced to wake up early to go to school which I never figure out why. Everytime I have to wake up for school usally the first peroid class I feel pretty sleepy still and awake but not awake at the sametime. I think that if school were to start later that it would not only help people who struggle geting to school on time but it also might help people grades. One school did a survey to see what the students think and what they got back was that if school were to start later they might be able to in joy it more and also it would help there grades. Another piece of research that I heard about was how the brain is not that activey tilll one time, like your brain would be awake but not fully and maybe that's I feel a little lost in my first peroid class cause my brain is not fully activey and how the later classes I feel that I do better because I feel more awake and my brain probily is more activy later in the day than the morning.

Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 41 - Initial Internet Research on Schooling
what this article was talking about was the bads about school, a few of the things he said was how most of the things we learn in school we wont really use in real life and how he also states that school is important but there is still some problems with it as a whole.
what this article is talking about is 8 essential skills that you should know but they don't teach you in school, and most of the things that he said are what you will face in life weather its between setting goals for yourself or how to save and invest your money wisely.
this article talks abouts how school should start later and in the article they did a survey and it showed that if school were to start later that students who find it hard to wake up in the morning well get better grades because they would have more energy to do that work.
what this article is talking about is sort of a guide to help teachers in some way. because it talks about how some students are motivated to learn and than how there are some students that need motivated from the teachers. more in the article it starts to list some ways that teachers can do it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A


10th grade science experment
11th grade
andys class

powerful questions
why do people try to act cool?
why do we need so much school?
why does school determine alot of things you do in life?

digital unit
cool unit
school unit

daily life

Part B

i have had many moments that have been good and bad in school. the first sort of bad moment was when i came to middle school here because i didnt know anyone and all my friends from my elemantry school went to other middle school. but after a weeks i started to talk to more people and made more friends. the few things that i dont really like about school is how early you have to wake up to get to school and also how long the day is. If school was like how it was on thursdays where we go in at 8;30 and get out at 12:30 than school would not be that bad and it would be relaxing and alot less stressfull because we would not have to stay that long in school.

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

videos on abes blog

are art project was about this kid who is cool and his seen cool by the group of people but when he goes to talk to girls or when hes around girls he gets shy. this shows that you can be cool at times but not really cool at other times.

For this video project we had to first think of a idea that we were going to do and after puting a few ideas together we came up with this. than after that the first thing we started to do was act it out before we recorded it made sure that we like it than we record it. what i did for the video was acting in the video and say some of my idea.

I feel that art can be cool if its something that you enjoy doing or if your doing a art project on something that you like.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HW 37 - Cool Paper Done Draft

As we pursue this idea of cool, we forget what we value and no longer live our own way, but in a way that was paved throughout the years. This gives us a sense of satisfaction, but also makes us lonely in our lives. People in our society are always changing weather it could be from changing the type of clothes they wear or it being changing themselves completely but it always ends up connecting back to being cool or trying to be cool. The media is always trying to tell as whats cool and whats not from there people either decide if they want to be the person that the media is showing or to be someone opposite from that person so they themselves can feel a sense of coolness. what cool also tends to do is that it tends to create conflicts and its usually between teenager. Alot of teenagers are always caught up on cool or trying to be cooler that it always seems to cause conflict, there are alot of different cools meaning that something that's cool to one person might not be cool to another person which causes alot of conflicts. The other conflects that cool tends to do would be trying to outmatch your friends or just the people around you. The way people would try to outmatch one way would be by how they dress, they would try to make sure that everything they have on is cool to them and nice so that they can try to be cool to other people and outmatch people that dress the same way as them.

There are alots of ways that people change to become cool. a few ways that people try to become cooler would be by changing what they wear or by changing how they act. people try to become cooler for lots of reasons as well weather its to be accept by a social circle or to feel more important but in any case theres always a need to be cool. the problem with the need to feel cool is that once you finally do it and you feel cooler than you were before you well sort of feel this emptiness that you are just being someone else and not really being you because you had to change alot of things about yourself so that you can get to where you are right now. most people would say that they didn't change at all and that this comes naturally to them but the real truth is that they did change either in a big way or a small way. Another thing that could happen to the person who is trying to become cool is that they buy all these new things so they can try to fit in and they try to hang with new people but what could happen is that it can backfire on them. Where people might see them as fake and trying to be something there not but the bottom line is we are all trying to play a role that we are not.

society sees cool as something good and that we should all try to find our sense of cool in a way. I think that cool doesn't really help our society but sort of makes more problems for our society because we have all these different people trying to be cool and we have all these different views of cool that theres always going to be some type of conflict going on. what cool also usally do to people in our society is it makes people change alot to a point that they are accpected by a group of people but they might still feel empty so they either might change again or just stay the way they are. There are times though that cool in a socity can be a good thing. One day in class andy was telling as about this guy where he lives and how he's one of the coolest people around and how everyone respected him and some who looked up to him in someways. What he did was he made this afterschool thing for kids so that if kids needed help with there homework or something they can go there to get help. This goes to show how cool can sometimes be a good thing because here's someone who was thought of being cool and he did a good thing with it by making this afterschool program help.

cool can also effect sort of your life pattern and can pretty much shape your future in a way. for exmaple you said in your blog"For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" cool would be the main reasons for people to chose how they live because the kid who live in a housing projects and buys prada shoes in his social circle and where he lives that is the right thing to do and hes just trying to be accpted by the people in his social circle and also where he lives. Than compared to other people like "or a white rich kid who decides to join a fraternity rather than a social justice club at college - or the immigrant boy who gets crossed up between wanting to make his parents proud and wanting to be cool at school and finally decides to become a doctor after all" it all depends on your background and otherthings and from there you can get the sense on how your life well play it because it will follow these patterns, there are times though that your pattern might make a sharp turn and your life becomes different than it would have been but usally that doesn't happen.

Cool can be taken a few ways, like there are goods and bads to cool so we really can't say cool is all bad I guess its just how its used and where its used that you can really judge if its good or bad.

HW 36 - Triangle Partner Help


Main Idea: In new york city, it is very easy to be considered cool and most of us are. We are surrounded by things that we want because we think it will give us that notification from others that allows us to be known as cool

Matt- i thought that the arguments you had were really good and the article that you brought up about " a poverty of the mind", was really good evidence. i think that something else you should include as well in your paper would be talking about cool as a life style like what we talked about in class, about a black kid living in the projects buying Prada shoes and how he might end up dropping out and stuff.

another little thing is just to check your grammer but overall its a good paper

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Everyone trys to be cool in there own ways sometimes changing themselves completely to do so but the end result will always be the same in having some type of lone less. People in our society are always changing weather it could be from changing the type of clothes they wear or it being changing themselves completely but it always ends up connecting back to being cool or trying to be cool. The media is always trying to tell as whats cool and whats not from there people either decide if they want to be the person that the media is showing or to be someone opposite from that person so they themselves can feel a sense of coolness. what cool also tends to do is that it tends to create conflicts and its usually between teenager. Alot of teenagers are always caught up on cool or trying to be cooler that it always seems to cause conflict, there are alot of different cools meaning that something that's cool to one person might not be cool to another person which causes alot of conflicts. The other conflects that cool tends to do would be trying to outmatch your friends or just the people around you. The way people would try to outmatch one way would be by how they dress, they would try to make sure that everything they have on is cool to them and nice so that they can try to be cool to other people and outmatch people that dress the same way as them.

There are alots of ways that people change to become cool. a few ways that people try to become cooler would be by changing what they wear or by changing how they act. people try to become cooler for lots of reasons as well weather its to be accept by a social circle or to feel more important but in any case theres always a need to be cool. the problem with the need to feel cool is that once you finally do it and you feel cooler than you were before you well sort of feel this emptiness that you are just being someone else and not really being you because you had to change alot of things about yourself so that you can get to where you are right now. most people would say that they didn't change at all and that this comes naturally to them but the real truth is that they did change either in a big way or a small way.

society sees cool as something good and that we should all try to find our sense of cool in a way. I think that cool doesn't really help our society but sort of makes more problems for our society because we have all these different people trying to be cool and we have all these different views of cool that theres always going to be some type of conflict going on. what cool also usally do to people in our society is it makes people change alot to a point that they are accpected by a group of people but they might still feel empty so they either might change again or just stay the way they are.

cool can also effect sort of your life pattern and can pretty much shape your future in a way. for exmaple you said in your blog "For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" cool would be the main reasons for people to chose how they live because the kid who live in a housing projects and buys prada shoes in his social circle and where he lives that is the right thing to do and hes just trying to be accpted by the people in his social circle and also where he lives.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc. W

what i agree with is that there are some patterns between finding out what you are going to be / do in life by following your pattern. what goes in to your pattern would be where you live and mostly how your family is because they do effect on what you do in life like you said in your blog "For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" your parents are the one who effects most of what you do because like some people say your parents live through you is sorta true like what mr. fanning said how his father like his tattoos because he wanted them but where he came from they were sort of looked down on so his father never got them. how i grown up so far and how my parents have brought up me to see that school comes first and to go to collage so i see myself going to collage. but i feel that it mostly depends on the area you live in and who you grow up with that determines what you really do in life and the choices you do in life to. there is a chances of a choice you do is different and might change your life but sometimes that doesn't happen that much depending on the life style and pattern you are following.

Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

thesis: everyones trys to be cool at one point or another to feel more inportant or to feel Accepted by other people but the end result will always be the same of having some type of emptyness

body 1: how people try to become cool

body 2: how our soicty sees cool

body 3: the results of being cool

con: sum it all up by connecting back to the thesis and other arguments

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

tattoos is just another way to express and try to be different than other people. i feel that tattoos just fits under the same category of trying to be cool or trying to be different. the only big difference about a tattoo is that its not like clothes that you can just change and never have to see again tattoos stay on for life unless you have it removed which cost a lot of money and not many people can afford that. what most people try to do when they are get a tattoo is that they try to get something that would represent them for life and something that they could live with to. what i feel that a lot of celebrities do which people try to copy but than end up losing is that a lot of celebrities will get a tattoo without thinking about it and they would get it about anything but if they end up not liking it after a while or the tattoo picture / symbol they got isn't cool anymore they just get it removed and either get another one or never get one again. than some people try to do the same thing or try to copy a celebrities tattoo and once the celebrity gets it removed they want to get it removed to but what ends up happening is they end up staying with it because they don't have the money to get it removed. there are some people who get tattoos for really good reasons and it could be about a loved one who died or it could be about army relate things. tattoos like those have some type of deep meaning and just means something to you and might not make sense to other people but if it makes sense to you i thinks thats all that really matters.