Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Matt: i think that it plays a big roll, because it effects them mentally sometimes they feel like they cant do better than how they were raised so they feel that they have to act like that

question: do you think that the person can still change?

matt: it can change but there going to need someone to influence that change.

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Abe: of course its going to impact the child it impacts them physical and it also impacts them mentally wise because there growing up in a unsafe environment. i also think there are cases where serial killers were abuse by there family so if there were abuse there are more likely to abuse there own kids when they become a parent.

question: do you think that the person can still change?

Abe: if there getting abuse there whole life i think that its going to be very hard for them to change but not impossible under the right and put them behide them and move forward than they should be able to but if they stay in the same spot and no cermanctence t do anything about it than its more likely that they wont change and will just end up abusing there kids.

i felt that what Abe and matt said was right and i agree with most of what they said. i think that if a person were to be in a abusive family and get abuse it would effect a lot of things and relationships that they might have. depending on i guess how they get abusive would effect them and it would be hard to try to change how the person grows up without someone to help them out because all they would know is the abuse they got a home and than will show in how they act or they might just turn out the same way they were getting treated at home

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