Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Everyone trys to be cool in there own ways sometimes changing themselves completely to do so but the end result will always be the same in having some type of lone less. People in our society are always changing weather it could be from changing the type of clothes they wear or it being changing themselves completely but it always ends up connecting back to being cool or trying to be cool. The media is always trying to tell as whats cool and whats not from there people either decide if they want to be the person that the media is showing or to be someone opposite from that person so they themselves can feel a sense of coolness. what cool also tends to do is that it tends to create conflicts and its usually between teenager. Alot of teenagers are always caught up on cool or trying to be cooler that it always seems to cause conflict, there are alot of different cools meaning that something that's cool to one person might not be cool to another person which causes alot of conflicts. The other conflects that cool tends to do would be trying to outmatch your friends or just the people around you. The way people would try to outmatch one way would be by how they dress, they would try to make sure that everything they have on is cool to them and nice so that they can try to be cool to other people and outmatch people that dress the same way as them.

There are alots of ways that people change to become cool. a few ways that people try to become cooler would be by changing what they wear or by changing how they act. people try to become cooler for lots of reasons as well weather its to be accept by a social circle or to feel more important but in any case theres always a need to be cool. the problem with the need to feel cool is that once you finally do it and you feel cooler than you were before you well sort of feel this emptiness that you are just being someone else and not really being you because you had to change alot of things about yourself so that you can get to where you are right now. most people would say that they didn't change at all and that this comes naturally to them but the real truth is that they did change either in a big way or a small way.

society sees cool as something good and that we should all try to find our sense of cool in a way. I think that cool doesn't really help our society but sort of makes more problems for our society because we have all these different people trying to be cool and we have all these different views of cool that theres always going to be some type of conflict going on. what cool also usally do to people in our society is it makes people change alot to a point that they are accpected by a group of people but they might still feel empty so they either might change again or just stay the way they are.

cool can also effect sort of your life pattern and can pretty much shape your future in a way. for exmaple you said in your blog "For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" cool would be the main reasons for people to chose how they live because the kid who live in a housing projects and buys prada shoes in his social circle and where he lives that is the right thing to do and hes just trying to be accpted by the people in his social circle and also where he lives.

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