Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HW 58

the first guest speaker Rob came in to talk about parenting he was telling as how one thing that hes going to do for his daughter is to rise organically and also how when hes at work a nanny with be taking care of her. i feel that this is a good way to rise a child in some ways. i dont think that you should expose a child to much tv at such a early age. he also said how hes been reading to her and also talking to her in spanish so she can learn. another thing that he did say was all the reading that he did about taking care of a child he hardly used when he finally got eva he said that most of thoses books arnt really help full anyway because every child is different. from what rob was saying i think that he going to rise eva quiet well because he knows mostly what to do when she need thing. i feel that once you have that bonding with a child it tends to get easyer to know what they want. he also said how hes not going to rise his daughter how he was normaly rised but he is has another way which seems to be working better but here and there he might take some parts of how he was rised and apply it to eva.

this unit has showed me so far that there are alot of ways you can rise a child and also how the books that are out there that talk about riseing a child half the time doesnt apply to the solution because every child is different and depending on the book its mostly broad so it is not that help full. what people usallly do is the way they were brought up is the way they want to bring up there childern, or if they didnt like the way there were brought up they will just change it so they can bring up there child in a different way. i think that depending on how you were brought up does impact alot of things you do and alot of your reactions to when you have a kid.

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