Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52

When it comes to Family and other people the relationship well at least for me could change. there are just different ways that i would act to people that i don't really know and people that i know / are my family. for example when it comes to my family at least i like to help out anyway i can and if they have a problem with something i try to to help them with that problem and go the extra mile and stuff. when it comes to people or people i don't really know that well if they would need help with something i would see what i could do if i can help i will but if i cant i will stop trying. i kind of feel that when it comes to family at least you feel the need to help them more because there your family and there always going to be your family no matter what. versus people you don't really know you don't feel the need to do anything for them because you don't really know them and you don't really see the reason in to helping them. The only other person that i would really try to help out other than my family would be a friend. be it has to be a friend that i knew for awhile and talk to. because at that point they would feel like family in some ways and that would want me to try to help them because there are sort of like family.

one thing that is inportant i feel to get through life is to be able to make good relationship with people. The reasons that i feel that its inportant is because if you are good at making relationship with other people the the time comes they might be able to help you out and vise versa. if you dont really make good realtionship and your like mean to everyone than that might not get you that far in life because no one would want to work with you and you will struggle probibly in life so its good to have good realtionship with people.

another thing that can effect how people have realtionship is religion reasons being sometimes people wont have realtionship with people who have a different religion which is rarly the case but sometimes it does happen which i think is kind of silly in away because even though your religion might be different there might be still alot of things people have in common and i see that alot of the religion out there sometimes have something similar between them so i dont really see why some people would not be friendly with other people just because of that.

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