Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HW 46 - Research and Writing

the book that i read was called "what are my rights" by Thomas A. Jacobs, JD and the book talks about questions that teens have about there rights. one question that was in the book was "how long do i have to stay in school" there response to that was "different states have different ages for compulsory school attendance. you can call any school district to office to find out what required where you live." it goes on by saying if you stop going to high school you can still get your diploma by enrolling in a GED. another question that was asked was "do i have to go to school?" and the response to that was by law you have to go to school and if you are under age and you are not attending school that your parents will get in-trouble for you not attending. the article i read was http://www.physorg.com/news98892114.html and it talked about how school should start later.

The article that i was relates to my topic because my question was should school start later. what this article talks about is a survey that they did with teenagers, some of the questions that were ask was to they get enough sleep and the response was that they don't and how its usually a struggle for them to get up in the morning to head out to school. another thing that was said was how also if tests/ quizs were to start later in the day how the grades result would be better for students that find it hard to wake up in the morning and don't get enough sleep.

i think if they did a survey and all and it shows that teens dont get that much sleep and also it effects how they do in school i think that they should just push school back a little bit so that teens could get the sleep they need for them to do good in school.

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