Thursday, March 4, 2010

hw 42

I feel that my question is pretty inportant because I always did wonder why did school started so early. Since kindergarten I was always forced to wake up early to go to school which I never figure out why. Everytime I have to wake up for school usally the first peroid class I feel pretty sleepy still and awake but not awake at the sametime. I think that if school were to start later that it would not only help people who struggle geting to school on time but it also might help people grades. One school did a survey to see what the students think and what they got back was that if school were to start later they might be able to in joy it more and also it would help there grades. Another piece of research that I heard about was how the brain is not that activey tilll one time, like your brain would be awake but not fully and maybe that's I feel a little lost in my first peroid class cause my brain is not fully activey and how the later classes I feel that I do better because I feel more awake and my brain probily is more activy later in the day than the morning.

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