Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A


10th grade science experment
11th grade
andys class

powerful questions
why do people try to act cool?
why do we need so much school?
why does school determine alot of things you do in life?

digital unit
cool unit
school unit

daily life

Part B

i have had many moments that have been good and bad in school. the first sort of bad moment was when i came to middle school here because i didnt know anyone and all my friends from my elemantry school went to other middle school. but after a weeks i started to talk to more people and made more friends. the few things that i dont really like about school is how early you have to wake up to get to school and also how long the day is. If school was like how it was on thursdays where we go in at 8;30 and get out at 12:30 than school would not be that bad and it would be relaxing and alot less stressfull because we would not have to stay that long in school.

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