Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW 55

my research question is what do we expect from family, friends and other relationships.
this website kind of gives a broad idea of what a family is one of the definitions that they give of a family is "A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children" which is true but in some ways its pretty broad.
this website talks about friendships and pretty much what people look for in a friendship one thing that i agree with was "Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." which i agree with because if there your true friend you should be able to tell them anything without having to worry about it
this website talks about co worker relationships and through most of the arctle it talks about things that you should do to strengthan them but than i feel like some of the things they talk about is to not be rude to the person but to get what you want done like “Selectively define the things you say,” Moss adds. If you disagree with a co-worker’s ideas, glean what you like and overlook the rest. Let the person make suggestions that relate to your clients and projects. “As long as this person feels involved, the project will keep moving forward uninterrupted.” so pretty much your just listening to the person so they feel like you listen to them in some ways.

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