Tuesday, April 13, 2010

hw 48

The opening scene should show a teacher geting out of bed and geting dressed to go to school. As you see the teacher doing this you would see that the way he's doing it is pretty unlife like because the expression of his face would be sad and depressing as he gets ready he heads out and take the train to school. At school you would see all these kids walking around talking loud as the teacher walks pass some of them a few said hi to him but he didn't reponsed and just kept walking, he than walks in to the office clocks in and heads to his classroom. He opens the door to the class room sits down at his desk and than waited till class started. Students started to walk in some said hi to the teacher and his responds was a simple wave. He than started class teaching from the textbooks like he usally does untill the bell rings and class was over. Some students started talking amongs themselfs and wonder why was he so derepessed and sad all the time so they decide that they were going to try to help him..........

This type of story is sort of like all the movies we watched in andys class but the big difference between the movies we watched in andys class and this is that this time the teacher is the one with problem and its not the students so its like instead being the savior the students would be the one, what the students try to do next is that they try to help the teacher so that he would not be so depressed all the time and maybe change in a good way for himself and also for them.

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