Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Extra Credit : The Class

when the movie started i thought that i was going to see like another teacher being the one trying to help the students out with problems they might have or the teacher trying to save the day in some way, which was sort of true but that wasn't really all that was happening. when the first day of school started we saw that the students were giving the teacher a hard time and not really respecting him that much. the next day one of the students that he had last year that he liked and she always respected him didn't respect him the next day and refused to read when she was asked. which was a big deal for him because he knew that student well and for her to be doing this was odd. Than later when he checked his mail boxes he got a letter from her saying that she still respects him and all but she some what changed and how not to be to friendly with her in a way in class because he will be looking for trouble. i thought that was one of the highlights in the movie. The other major highlight in the movie was Souleymane what started happening with him is that he started acting up in class and there was one day where he acted up so much that the teacher finally got fed up and took him to the principles office. which from there started another chain of events because when the teachers had a meeting about students and grades they talked about Souleymane while the teachers were talking about him acting up in class the student reps were also there but they were talking to each other about other things. the next day in class when the teacher was teaching the ourburst started happening because the student reps told Souleymane about what happen in the meeting which ended up geting the teacher so worked up that he called the student reps Shanks which caused Souleymane to get more upset tryed to leave the class room and ended up by hiting a student in the eye by mistake but caused the student to bleed.

I dont really think that you can really blame one person for what happen to Souleymane because there was alot of things that were just adding to the fire which made Souleymane snap in away. one thing that Souleymane did wrong was geting upset alot and having outburst because if he had never had that first outburst where it got him kicked out of class the rest of the events that followed would not have happen so you kind of have to give him some blame for that. One thing that the teacher did wrong was calling the student reps shanks because i think that was one of the major reason that Souleymane snaped the second time i thin kthat Souleymane felt that he needed to defend them in a way but the way he did it wasn't the right way because he ended up geting in to more trouble. what the teacher than found out later from a student was that if Souleymane were to get kicked out of that school how his father might send him back to the village where hes from, which than from there he did try to defend Souleymane by telling the other teachers that we should not go through with this meeting and also told the teachers what the students told him. But i guess the teachers were just fed up with his behavor that they still wanted to go through with the meeting anyways even if it means for him to get kicked out of school. So the teacher did try to save him / defend him but the other teachers were just fed up with him.

If we were to compare this to SOf i think that we would not see that many simlar things, one thing that might be simlar one be the first day back from school and how everyone usallys not listen to the teacher because its the first day and there trying to get back in to school mode and stuff. one thing thats different is that when teachers are having meeting talking about grades and students i dont think that we have students in the same room because that just caused alot of conflucts because right after that meeting the next day the students that were there went and told the other students everything that happen which started the whole outburst. i also think thats why we dont have students at Sof in a room with teachers when there talking about other peoples grade and other people.

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