Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HW 57

i think that the way kids should be parented is pretty simple if you just teach them right from wrongs and teach them little basic things like school and also how to be able to take care of themselfs in some ways. when it comes to if babys should be treated like adults or puppies i think that you it should be a mixture of both, like i think that you should start teaching them from young like the right and wrong things but in another case there are still young so they wont fully get what your trying to teach them and since they are still babys they will do what you told them not to do but later on there still to understand. when it comes to parenting coming naturally i think that most of it does because you are just mostly reteaching what you were tought and also in some ways the values you live up to, but than there might be some cases where you are not that sure what to do and you might need some help.

i read the artcle When Parenting Theories Backfire and the theorie that she was trying to do for her child was "Love and Logic" which just means that your giving your child endless choices throughout the day. i could see already that this would in some way backfire because if you keep giving a kid choices all the time and than when its time where he has no choices and he has to do one thing, its not going to work hes either going to try to find away around it or bottom line not do it. like its ok do give a kid choices here and there but not all the time because than its just going to backfire.

the other artcle i read was called "WHAT ATTACHMENT PARENTING IS –THE 7 BABY B'S" and pretty much what that was talking about was how theres 7 states i guess you would say and in each state just gets more attached to your child like the first state they had was Birth bonding and thats when the baby sees you for the first time and you see it and from there you tend to bond closer and closer. another point they made was balance and how to make sure you balance time with your baby and other things to not only do one thing and not the other.

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