Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

tattoos is just another way to express and try to be different than other people. i feel that tattoos just fits under the same category of trying to be cool or trying to be different. the only big difference about a tattoo is that its not like clothes that you can just change and never have to see again tattoos stay on for life unless you have it removed which cost a lot of money and not many people can afford that. what most people try to do when they are get a tattoo is that they try to get something that would represent them for life and something that they could live with to. what i feel that a lot of celebrities do which people try to copy but than end up losing is that a lot of celebrities will get a tattoo without thinking about it and they would get it about anything but if they end up not liking it after a while or the tattoo picture / symbol they got isn't cool anymore they just get it removed and either get another one or never get one again. than some people try to do the same thing or try to copy a celebrities tattoo and once the celebrity gets it removed they want to get it removed to but what ends up happening is they end up staying with it because they don't have the money to get it removed. there are some people who get tattoos for really good reasons and it could be about a loved one who died or it could be about army relate things. tattoos like those have some type of deep meaning and just means something to you and might not make sense to other people but if it makes sense to you i thinks thats all that really matters.

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