Wednesday, May 26, 2010

YOU THE MAN - XC - 4th Quarter

what lead to the underlying dynamics that lead to domestic violence i felt were a few reasons. one of the character he played was a guy trying to help his friend out with her boyfriend. what her boyfriend has been doing was being rude to her and otherthings while people were around. her friend kept trying to tell her to leave him but she wouldnt listen and at got to a point where they could not meet up because her boyfriend didnt want them meeting up anymore. what the guy did was called a hotline which didnt help out at all like they gave him some advice but it was not really that helpfull. in this story we really are not that show why the guy kept doing what he was doing to the girl unless he was abused as a child than it would make some sense why he was acting the way he was to her. her friend was really trying to help but she didnt want any help at one point and the hotline he called couldnt really help him with what he needed. in the other character he played was a basketball player where his friend showed a video to the whole team on the girl he had sex with and it sort of look like rape because she kept telling him to stop, what ending up happening was that the school found out and now the whole basketball team is introuble for watching it. i think if he was to step up and say something about watching the video that maybe it could have stoped them from geting introuble like if he were to walk out and othe people followed maybe the guy who made the video could reclect and see what he has done.

i am not sure if theres really one thing you can do to stop domestic violence its just like one of though things where it will always be there in some ways. maybe if it was talked about more and there was more centers / hotlines to call it might help but its kind of hard to try to stop it. because what sometimes happens is a person is abused as a child than when he grows up he starts doing the samething and it keeps going on like that untill someone decides to try to help that person or the person trys to help himself by stoping what he was doing and try to get some help for himself. in the play when the guy was trying to help his friend get out of that relationship he trys really hard to help but it someways it backfired because she still wanted to stay with that guy and the guy didnt want her near him anymore.

HW 58

the first guest speaker Rob came in to talk about parenting he was telling as how one thing that hes going to do for his daughter is to rise organically and also how when hes at work a nanny with be taking care of her. i feel that this is a good way to rise a child in some ways. i dont think that you should expose a child to much tv at such a early age. he also said how hes been reading to her and also talking to her in spanish so she can learn. another thing that he did say was all the reading that he did about taking care of a child he hardly used when he finally got eva he said that most of thoses books arnt really help full anyway because every child is different. from what rob was saying i think that he going to rise eva quiet well because he knows mostly what to do when she need thing. i feel that once you have that bonding with a child it tends to get easyer to know what they want. he also said how hes not going to rise his daughter how he was normaly rised but he is has another way which seems to be working better but here and there he might take some parts of how he was rised and apply it to eva.

this unit has showed me so far that there are alot of ways you can rise a child and also how the books that are out there that talk about riseing a child half the time doesnt apply to the solution because every child is different and depending on the book its mostly broad so it is not that help full. what people usallly do is the way they were brought up is the way they want to bring up there childern, or if they didnt like the way there were brought up they will just change it so they can bring up there child in a different way. i think that depending on how you were brought up does impact alot of things you do and alot of your reactions to when you have a kid.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HW 57

i think that the way kids should be parented is pretty simple if you just teach them right from wrongs and teach them little basic things like school and also how to be able to take care of themselfs in some ways. when it comes to if babys should be treated like adults or puppies i think that you it should be a mixture of both, like i think that you should start teaching them from young like the right and wrong things but in another case there are still young so they wont fully get what your trying to teach them and since they are still babys they will do what you told them not to do but later on there still to understand. when it comes to parenting coming naturally i think that most of it does because you are just mostly reteaching what you were tought and also in some ways the values you live up to, but than there might be some cases where you are not that sure what to do and you might need some help.

i read the artcle When Parenting Theories Backfire and the theorie that she was trying to do for her child was "Love and Logic" which just means that your giving your child endless choices throughout the day. i could see already that this would in some way backfire because if you keep giving a kid choices all the time and than when its time where he has no choices and he has to do one thing, its not going to work hes either going to try to find away around it or bottom line not do it. like its ok do give a kid choices here and there but not all the time because than its just going to backfire.

the other artcle i read was called "WHAT ATTACHMENT PARENTING IS –THE 7 BABY B'S" and pretty much what that was talking about was how theres 7 states i guess you would say and in each state just gets more attached to your child like the first state they had was Birth bonding and thats when the baby sees you for the first time and you see it and from there you tend to bond closer and closer. another point they made was balance and how to make sure you balance time with your baby and other things to not only do one thing and not the other.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Matt: i think that it plays a big roll, because it effects them mentally sometimes they feel like they cant do better than how they were raised so they feel that they have to act like that

question: do you think that the person can still change?

matt: it can change but there going to need someone to influence that change.

question: if there's abuse in the house old does it impact the way that person grows up?

Abe: of course its going to impact the child it impacts them physical and it also impacts them mentally wise because there growing up in a unsafe environment. i also think there are cases where serial killers were abuse by there family so if there were abuse there are more likely to abuse there own kids when they become a parent.

question: do you think that the person can still change?

Abe: if there getting abuse there whole life i think that its going to be very hard for them to change but not impossible under the right and put them behide them and move forward than they should be able to but if they stay in the same spot and no cermanctence t do anything about it than its more likely that they wont change and will just end up abusing there kids.

i felt that what Abe and matt said was right and i agree with most of what they said. i think that if a person were to be in a abusive family and get abuse it would effect a lot of things and relationships that they might have. depending on i guess how they get abusive would effect them and it would be hard to try to change how the person grows up without someone to help them out because all they would know is the abuse they got a home and than will show in how they act or they might just turn out the same way they were getting treated at home

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW 55

my research question is what do we expect from family, friends and other relationships.
this website kind of gives a broad idea of what a family is one of the definitions that they give of a family is "A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children" which is true but in some ways its pretty broad.
this website talks about friendships and pretty much what people look for in a friendship one thing that i agree with was "Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." which i agree with because if there your true friend you should be able to tell them anything without having to worry about it
this website talks about co worker relationships and through most of the arctle it talks about things that you should do to strengthan them but than i feel like some of the things they talk about is to not be rude to the person but to get what you want done like “Selectively define the things you say,” Moss adds. If you disagree with a co-worker’s ideas, glean what you like and overlook the rest. Let the person make suggestions that relate to your clients and projects. “As long as this person feels involved, the project will keep moving forward uninterrupted.” so pretty much your just listening to the person so they feel like you listen to them in some ways.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HW 54

When i was taking the test i felt that at one point it started to ask the same question again but in a different way which depending on how it stated it made me want to change what i wrote before. i feel that the test is sort of good to see where you are at in that scale i guess you would say. when i took the test it gave me a Your type is "ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population"
in some ways i agree with what it saids but there are just little things here and there that i dont think that relates to me or i can connect to in a way.

what i also remember reading about this is that even though there might be people with different letters and such what they said was how one is not really better than the other and how each different letter people get is inportant and one is not inportant than the other because its all equal. i do think though that this survey is not 100% right that alot of the question are broad in a way that most people could fit in and sometimes it might be hard group people like this because sometimes people feel like there in the middle of each question.

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 53

i felt ok with taking the surveys there was a few question that i didn't think that would be on the survey because some were pretty personal but i was ok with answering the question, some questions that i thought that made me think deeply were the question about if your family has told you something that you wish they didn't tell you and it made me think because i could not really think of a time where my family said something that i was shocked about, like we are freely with each other about things but noting very personal that i was shocked about. from the results i see that most people are very close to there family and that most of the time they tell there family everything. i think what i found sort of shocking in a way was have you ever though of committing suicide and how one person did think about it. i guess its not shocking in the world for people but i wouldn't think that someone who i go to class with everyday would think about doing something like that.