Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think that there's not really a real definition of being cool, i think that its mostly on the person and what they believe in and also what they do for them to say thats cool or not. I also think you cant really be judge of being cool or not because your be judge with other people standards because you might think that video games are cool or like sneakers are pretty cool, but some people would not think that would be cool because they are not in to video games or sneakers maybe there in to like sports and they would rule that cool above all else. So cool to me is mostly what you found interesting/ what you are proud to show and say you think they are cool.

There are many ways that people can think of cool one of the ways people will think of cool or to find out if you are to them is First impression. Because if you are meeting someone for the first time you cant really judge if there cool or not. Maybe you can judge a little bit on how they dress but sometimes people don't really judge on that and they just judge how you act or are as a person. I think of myself as cool because my first impression on people they usually find me as a nice and quiet guy. but the thing is some people act differently when they are with people they know so they might be the type of person you would consider cool they just don't' show it because there quiet or they don't feel like showing it cause they don't really know the people around them.

What i don't really think is cool is when people act fake or they try to change who there are to fit in. the reason i don't really find that cool is because you pretty much changed a lot about yourself just to try to fit in with a group of people, and that can sometimes back fire because the group of people you could be trying to get with know that your fake or trying to change to hard to be with them that they might not even want to hang out with you because they might find fake people uncool. So i think just being yourself makes you pretty cool and other people will probably think your cool because your being yourself and your not trying to change for anyone else.

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