Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 22 - Final Draft

Technology is slowly damaging our society and make as more useless and dumb. As more and more new electronics come out the more we turn more useless. Many digital things now a day do many things for you. Take Microsoft word for example, you really don’t have to worry about spelling things wrong anymore because Microsoft word will fix it or show you that its wrong and you can just right click on your mouse and fix it. Which just adds on to as not really having to do much when we have to fix a word.

Technology has come a long way since back than. We now have different electronic devices for our daily needs. If we need to write a paper we can just turn our computer go on Microsoft word and write the paper and we would not have to worry about misspelling a word because Microsoft word would just fix it for you or show that you made a mistake. When people didn’t have any computers they would have to hand write there papers and if they think they spelled the word wrong they have to ask someone or look up in the dictionary if they spelled it wrong. The good thing about back than was not people were getting smarter because they could be able to use the dictionary better and also there penmanship would improve because they would be writing there paper than typing it. our society is always typing something that for some people they don’t really take the time to hand write anything which makes our penmanship not so great because we rarely have to hand write anything. another thing thats bad about technology is that it can be very unhealthy because people sometimes tend to spend so much time on electronic devices, like what people would do would be waste so much time using the computer or playing video games that they lose track of time and waste a lot of time on it. the bad about this is that you are just siting there not doing anything and not be active also your just looking at a screen which slowly are missing up your eyes. which just adds on to society not doing anything and sort of just go dumber because your not really doing anything.

One of the main goals that the companies of these electronic devices tend to stick to is to make your life much easier and to make whatever you are doing much easier. but sometimes what they do is they make things much to easy that it starts to make as lazy because it does it for as. like if you had homework and your homework was to find out something that happen in history people who didn't have electronic devices would have to look through textbooks and read a few books that talks about the history your looking for. the benefits from that would be that you would get better with using a textbook and looking for things. now a days if we had the same homework would just google whatever we are looking for and just print out what we found out and that would be it. which just makes as lazy because we didn't really have to read through a lot of text just to find out the info we are looking for. electronic devices do so much now a days that most stuff can be done for you some things even think for you. when you use the internet everything that you do is saved on the history so lets say the next day you want to go back to the same website but you dont remember the name of the website you were on, you can just go back to your history and just look back at whatever you were doing yesterday. leaving you to remember less and not having to do much because the internet is pretty much doing it for you along the way.

If society keeps living this way where they are using electronic devices 24/7 and not go outside to do something or not even take a break we might just end up how the people are in WALL E. In the movie WALL E the world has gotten to a point where garbage and trash was pretty much covering the whole planet. so what this company did was make a good spaceship and told people to live here for a few years and just stay there while they made robots to clean up the earth. and after the earth was clean they would send the people back down to the planet. They also said it would take a few years to, but what ended up happening was that the people on the spaceship ended up staying there longer, than the next generation ended up living on the spaceship. than pretty much they never really learned to walk and they were always in chairs and they always had a digital screen right in front of them that pretty much did everything for them. they never had to do anything because everything was done for them when they had to eat robots would give them food, or if they wanted to do noting and just talk to there friends the chairs would pretty much move them all around and they would never notice it because all there looking at is the screen right in front of them. The reason that i say our society might turn out like this is because we are already really hocked to a lot of our digital devices. so pretty much what happen in WALL E is not that far from where we are now which would be in a chair not moving and using our digital devices all the time without doing anything else.

The other major thing thats pretty bad about the new electronic devices that are coming out is that the company's that are making them are pretty much trashing our planet. one way they trash our planet is the factors and whatever waste comes out of that factors when they make these electronic things goes in to our air. The other way these company's are trashing our planet is when they keep making newer things like every few months. because than what we end up doing we buy the new thing that comes out cause its new and it might have more features and other things, that we just throw away our old things which just ends up making more trash for the world to deal with. And as a society fail to notice that we are trashing our world pretty bad because we are so in to our digital devices to either care or to even notice that we are trashing our planet that when we finally do notice that our planet is trashed it will be to late to stop it. this is pretty much what happen in the book feed where everyone in the book is connected to the feed and the feed is just there own little electronic devices to do what they want and there so consumed by the feed that they don't really notice there world is coming to a end kind of like how we are consumed and dont notice our world is not doing so great from global warming and other problems are world is having.

Overall the more and more new electronic devices companies make the more that we get drawn in to staying home more or just drawn in to using these new electronic devices more that we will probably get more hooked on to the new devices and start forgetting about more stuff. So i think the key thing from as being like the people in WALL E and also the people in "feed" is to spend less time using our digital devices and to use that extra time to go outside and do something else, and i think that if we were to do that than maybe we wont have the same fate as the people did in WALL E and "Feed".



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