Friday, November 6, 2009

HW 21 - Art Project 1

I feel that the picture of WALL E is both a mirror and a hammer. the reason i said that it is a mirror because i feel that it is reflecting ourselves and what we might become if we keep going on this digital road we keep following. The reason i find it to be a hammer at the same time is because its just right at your face in what digital is doing to as and how digital things can also be really bad than a good thing.

I think that the art does make you think and sort of reflect what are we really heading to. because in the movie WALL E earth got to a point where people didn't want to live on the earth anymore because it was full of junk and useless things that they decide to go to space, and that makes me think of how our world now because if we are not carefully about what we do or what we make that turns in to junk that our earth might end up in how it was in the movie and we might end up living because we messed up the earth so much. Another thing this makes me think of is as today as well how digital devices can make as pretty lazy because we just sit there and use them like computers and video games. In the movie WALL E no one has to get up to do anything everything is done right in front of them because they have these digital screen that does it for them with one click of a button, and i feel that the more deeper we go in to these digital devices and more in to the future that we might become the people in the movie as well.

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