Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25 - Story Comments and Analysis

i think you did a really good in making this story, i felt that i was able really able to pick up who were cooler than others because of the things they have. one of the kids in the story had a car which made him a little more cooler than the other people.

i thought that your story was really good and it pretty much shows that to get popular you have to do things that you really would never do and you have to act differently. which is true in some cases but it just depends who are you trying to impress.

i really enjoyed reading your story. i like how you wrote about a girl moving to another city and its her first day of school and how you went in to detail about how they were dressed differently and stuff. because different places have different ways of being cool.

i thought that your story was really good i felt that it showed how people change when they try to impress someone or hang out with someone and i thought what eric thought of those kids being cool changed because they picked on people and he didn't like that.

i really enjoyed reading your story i thought that your story was really good. i also thought that it capture sort of what some teenagers might go through and how some things that might be considered cool might not be.

Part b

I felt that in general all the story some how related to each other in different ways and also in different meaning. one main thing i felt that all the story had in one way or another is that had to do either being cool or trying to be cool but changing in a way that they don't really like. one story that showed this was in Brandon Z. story it talked about this kid who wanted to be cool but the people that he wanted to be cool with were picking on other people which he didn't like so he decide to be the bigger man and not join those people and just be himself. in Matt B. story it talked about a girl who was considered cool sort of being lost and not really knowing what to do with her life. i felt that all these story's relate to each other in many ways and how being cool is not always that great because sometimes it has to do with you changing or doing things that you really don't want to do.

Friday, November 20, 2009

HW 24 - Short Story 1

Marko was a kid at S.O.F, he was one of those kids who wasn't very popular. To make matters worse he wasn't even notice by his classmates. The kids in his class was much different than him, they were kids that were popular and known by everyone. Everyday Marko would sit in class and think about why were the kids around him popular and he wasn't.

One day he over heard some of the popular kids in his class talking about clothes. When he looked around the class all the kids were wearing name brand clothes and had certain styles of wearing their clothing. When he looked at himself, he noticed that his clothes were not name brand and not in style. So he started to think that if he were to get name brand clothes and wore them, everyone in his class would finally notice him and he would be popular for once. Everyday he started to study his classmates clothing and styles to get ideas on what kind of clothing he should get. After weeks of doing this he finally got enough information he needed. He went home after school one day and took out all his money he had in his piggy bank. He took all the money that he had found in his piggy bank and ran to SoHo, one of New York City's biggest shopping area. He spent hours and hours there picking out clothes, ones that were name brand and had similar styles to his classmate.

Marko woke up the next day and was excited to go to school because he had new clothes and he thought that people would notice him. he left his house with the new clothes and headed to school once he got to school he thought that someone would at least say something to him about his new clothes. he got to his class sat down kids walked in to the class room and didnt say a word and this went on through out the whole day. when the day was over he went home kind of confused because he thought that if he had nice clothes that he would be popular and people would notice but that didnt happen. what he decide to do was just to go back to his old clothes and go back to being himself because it seems that people notice you for who you really are and not who you try to copy someone elses

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think that there's not really a real definition of being cool, i think that its mostly on the person and what they believe in and also what they do for them to say thats cool or not. I also think you cant really be judge of being cool or not because your be judge with other people standards because you might think that video games are cool or like sneakers are pretty cool, but some people would not think that would be cool because they are not in to video games or sneakers maybe there in to like sports and they would rule that cool above all else. So cool to me is mostly what you found interesting/ what you are proud to show and say you think they are cool.

There are many ways that people can think of cool one of the ways people will think of cool or to find out if you are to them is First impression. Because if you are meeting someone for the first time you cant really judge if there cool or not. Maybe you can judge a little bit on how they dress but sometimes people don't really judge on that and they just judge how you act or are as a person. I think of myself as cool because my first impression on people they usually find me as a nice and quiet guy. but the thing is some people act differently when they are with people they know so they might be the type of person you would consider cool they just don't' show it because there quiet or they don't feel like showing it cause they don't really know the people around them.

What i don't really think is cool is when people act fake or they try to change who there are to fit in. the reason i don't really find that cool is because you pretty much changed a lot about yourself just to try to fit in with a group of people, and that can sometimes back fire because the group of people you could be trying to get with know that your fake or trying to change to hard to be with them that they might not even want to hang out with you because they might find fake people uncool. So i think just being yourself makes you pretty cool and other people will probably think your cool because your being yourself and your not trying to change for anyone else.

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 22 - Final Draft

Technology is slowly damaging our society and make as more useless and dumb. As more and more new electronics come out the more we turn more useless. Many digital things now a day do many things for you. Take Microsoft word for example, you really don’t have to worry about spelling things wrong anymore because Microsoft word will fix it or show you that its wrong and you can just right click on your mouse and fix it. Which just adds on to as not really having to do much when we have to fix a word.

Technology has come a long way since back than. We now have different electronic devices for our daily needs. If we need to write a paper we can just turn our computer go on Microsoft word and write the paper and we would not have to worry about misspelling a word because Microsoft word would just fix it for you or show that you made a mistake. When people didn’t have any computers they would have to hand write there papers and if they think they spelled the word wrong they have to ask someone or look up in the dictionary if they spelled it wrong. The good thing about back than was not people were getting smarter because they could be able to use the dictionary better and also there penmanship would improve because they would be writing there paper than typing it. our society is always typing something that for some people they don’t really take the time to hand write anything which makes our penmanship not so great because we rarely have to hand write anything. another thing thats bad about technology is that it can be very unhealthy because people sometimes tend to spend so much time on electronic devices, like what people would do would be waste so much time using the computer or playing video games that they lose track of time and waste a lot of time on it. the bad about this is that you are just siting there not doing anything and not be active also your just looking at a screen which slowly are missing up your eyes. which just adds on to society not doing anything and sort of just go dumber because your not really doing anything.

One of the main goals that the companies of these electronic devices tend to stick to is to make your life much easier and to make whatever you are doing much easier. but sometimes what they do is they make things much to easy that it starts to make as lazy because it does it for as. like if you had homework and your homework was to find out something that happen in history people who didn't have electronic devices would have to look through textbooks and read a few books that talks about the history your looking for. the benefits from that would be that you would get better with using a textbook and looking for things. now a days if we had the same homework would just google whatever we are looking for and just print out what we found out and that would be it. which just makes as lazy because we didn't really have to read through a lot of text just to find out the info we are looking for. electronic devices do so much now a days that most stuff can be done for you some things even think for you. when you use the internet everything that you do is saved on the history so lets say the next day you want to go back to the same website but you dont remember the name of the website you were on, you can just go back to your history and just look back at whatever you were doing yesterday. leaving you to remember less and not having to do much because the internet is pretty much doing it for you along the way.

If society keeps living this way where they are using electronic devices 24/7 and not go outside to do something or not even take a break we might just end up how the people are in WALL E. In the movie WALL E the world has gotten to a point where garbage and trash was pretty much covering the whole planet. so what this company did was make a good spaceship and told people to live here for a few years and just stay there while they made robots to clean up the earth. and after the earth was clean they would send the people back down to the planet. They also said it would take a few years to, but what ended up happening was that the people on the spaceship ended up staying there longer, than the next generation ended up living on the spaceship. than pretty much they never really learned to walk and they were always in chairs and they always had a digital screen right in front of them that pretty much did everything for them. they never had to do anything because everything was done for them when they had to eat robots would give them food, or if they wanted to do noting and just talk to there friends the chairs would pretty much move them all around and they would never notice it because all there looking at is the screen right in front of them. The reason that i say our society might turn out like this is because we are already really hocked to a lot of our digital devices. so pretty much what happen in WALL E is not that far from where we are now which would be in a chair not moving and using our digital devices all the time without doing anything else.

The other major thing thats pretty bad about the new electronic devices that are coming out is that the company's that are making them are pretty much trashing our planet. one way they trash our planet is the factors and whatever waste comes out of that factors when they make these electronic things goes in to our air. The other way these company's are trashing our planet is when they keep making newer things like every few months. because than what we end up doing we buy the new thing that comes out cause its new and it might have more features and other things, that we just throw away our old things which just ends up making more trash for the world to deal with. And as a society fail to notice that we are trashing our world pretty bad because we are so in to our digital devices to either care or to even notice that we are trashing our planet that when we finally do notice that our planet is trashed it will be to late to stop it. this is pretty much what happen in the book feed where everyone in the book is connected to the feed and the feed is just there own little electronic devices to do what they want and there so consumed by the feed that they don't really notice there world is coming to a end kind of like how we are consumed and dont notice our world is not doing so great from global warming and other problems are world is having.

Overall the more and more new electronic devices companies make the more that we get drawn in to staying home more or just drawn in to using these new electronic devices more that we will probably get more hooked on to the new devices and start forgetting about more stuff. So i think the key thing from as being like the people in WALL E and also the people in "feed" is to spend less time using our digital devices and to use that extra time to go outside and do something else, and i think that if we were to do that than maybe we wont have the same fate as the people did in WALL E and "Feed".



Friday, November 6, 2009

HW 21 - Art Project 1

I feel that the picture of WALL E is both a mirror and a hammer. the reason i said that it is a mirror because i feel that it is reflecting ourselves and what we might become if we keep going on this digital road we keep following. The reason i find it to be a hammer at the same time is because its just right at your face in what digital is doing to as and how digital things can also be really bad than a good thing.

I think that the art does make you think and sort of reflect what are we really heading to. because in the movie WALL E earth got to a point where people didn't want to live on the earth anymore because it was full of junk and useless things that they decide to go to space, and that makes me think of how our world now because if we are not carefully about what we do or what we make that turns in to junk that our earth might end up in how it was in the movie and we might end up living because we messed up the earth so much. Another thing this makes me think of is as today as well how digital devices can make as pretty lazy because we just sit there and use them like computers and video games. In the movie WALL E no one has to get up to do anything everything is done right in front of them because they have these digital screen that does it for them with one click of a button, and i feel that the more deeper we go in to these digital devices and more in to the future that we might become the people in the movie as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW 20 - Big Paper Revised Draft - Nov 6

Technology is slowly damaging our society and make as more useless and dumb. As more and more new electronics come out the more we turn more useless. Many digital things now a day do many things for you. Take Microsoft word for example, you really don’t have to worry about spelling things wrong anymore because Microsoft word will fix it or show you that its wrong and you can just right click on your mouse and fix it. Which just adds on to as not really having to do much when we have to fix a word.

Technology has come a long way since back than. We now have different electronic devices for our daily needs. If we need to write a paper we can just turn our computer go on Microsoft word and write the paper and we would not have to worry about misspelling a word because Microsoft word would just fix it for you or show that you made a mistake. When people didn’t have any computers they would have to hand write there papers and if they think they spelled the word wrong they have to ask someone or look up in the dictionary if they spelled it wrong. The good thing about back than was not people were getting smarter because they could be able to use the dictionary better and also there penmanship would improve because they would be writing there paper than typing it. our society is always typing something that for some people they don’t really take the time to hand write anything which makes our penmanship not so great because we rarely have to hand write anything. another thing thats bad about technology is that it can be very unhealthy because people sometimes tend to spend so much time on electronic devices, like what people would do would be waste so much time using the computer or playing video games that they lose track of time and waste a lot of time on it. the bad about this is that you are just siting there not doing anything and not be active also your just looking at a screen which slowly are missing up your eyes. which just adds on to society not doing anything and sort of just go dumber because your not really doing anything.

One of the main goals that the companies of these electronic devices tend to stick to is to make your life much easier and to make whatever you are doing much easier. but sometimes what they do is they make things much to easy that it starts to make as lazy because it does it for as. like if you had homework and your homework was to find out something that happen in history people who didn't have electronic devices would have to look through textbooks and read a few books that talks about the history your looking for. the benefits from that would be that you would get better with using a textbook and looking for things. now a days if we had the same homework would just google whatever we are looking for and just print out what we found out and that would be it. which just makes as lazy because we didn't really have to read through a lot of text just to find out the info we are looking for. electronic devices do so much now a days that most stuff can be done for you some things even think for you. when you use the internet everything that you do is saved on the history so lets say the next day you want to go back to the same website but you dont remember the name of the website you were on, you can just go back to your history and just look back at whatever you were doing yesterday. leaving you to remember less and not having to do much because the internet is pretty much doing it for you along the way.

If society keeps living this way where they are using electronic devices 24/7 and not go outside to do something or not even take a break we might just end up how the people are in WALL E. In the movie WALL E the world has gotten to a point where garbage and trash was pretty much covering the whole planet. so what this company did was make a good spaceship and told people to live here for a few years and just stay there while they made robots to clean up the earth. and after the earth was clean they would send the people back down to the planet. They also said it would take a few years to, but what ended up happening was that the people on the spaceship ended up staying there longer, than the next generation ended up living on the spaceship. than pretty much they never really learned to walk and they were always in chairs and they always had a digital screen right in front of them that pretty much did everything for them. they never had to do anything because everything was done for them when they had to eat robots would give them food, or if they wanted to do noting and just talk to there friends the chairs would pretty much move them all around and they would never notice it because all there looking at is the screen right in front of them. The reason that i say our society might turn out like this is because we are already really hocked to a lot of our digital devices. so pretty much what happen in WALL E is not that far from where we are now which would be in a chair not moving and using our digital devices all the time without doing anything else.

The other major thing thats pretty bad about the new electronic devices that are coming out is that the company's that are making them are pretty much trashing our planet. one way they trash our planet is the factors and whatever waste comes out of that factors when they make these electronic things goes in to our air. The other way these company's are trashing our planet is when they keep making newer things like every few months. because than what we end up doing we buy the new thing that comes out cause its new and it might have more features and other things, that we just throw away our old things which just ends up making more trash for the world to deal with. And as a society fail to notice that we are trashing our world pretty bad because we are so in to our digital devices to either care or to even notice that we are trashing our planet that when we finally do notice that our planet is trashed it will be to late to stop it. this is pretty much what happen in the book feed where everyone in the book is connected to the feed and the feed is just there own little electronic devices to do what they want and there so consumed by the feed that they don't really notice there world is coming to a end kind of like how we are consumed and dont notice our world is not doing so great from global warming and other problems are world is having.

Overall the more and more new electronic devices companies make the more that we get drawn in to staying home more or just drawn in to using these new electronic devices more that we will probably get more hooked on to the new devices and start forgetting about more stuff. So i think the key thing from as being like the people in WALL E and also the people in "feed" is to spend less time using our digital devices and to use that extra time to go outside and do something else, and i think that if we were to do that than maybe we wont have the same fate as the people did in WALL E and "Feed".


Feed by M.T.Anderson

HW 19 - Big Paper 1 Suggestions - Nov 4

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HW 18 - Big Paper 1 Rough Draft

Technology is slowly damaging our society and make as more useless and dumb. As more and more new electronics come out the more we turn more useless. Many digital things now a day do many things for you. Take Microsoft word for example, you really don’t have to worry about spelling things wrong anymore because Microsoft word will fix it or show you that its wrong and you can just right click on your mouse and fix it. Which just adds on to as not really having to do much when we have to fix a word.

Technology has come a long way since back than. We now have different electronic devices for our daily needs. If we need to write a paper we can just turn our computer go on Microsoft word and write the paper and we would not have to worry about misspelling a word because Microsoft word would just fix it for you or show that you made a mistake. When people didn’t have any computers they would have to hand write there papers and if they think they spelled the word wrong they have to ask someone or look up in the dictionary if they spelled it wrong. The good thing about back than was not people were getting smarter because they could be able to use the dictionary better and also there penmanship would improve because they would be writing there paper than typing it. our society is always typing something that for some people they don’t really take the time to hand write anything which makes our penmanship not so great because we rarely have to hand write anything. another thing thats bad about technology is that it can be very unhealthy because people sometimes tend to spend so much time on electronic devices, like what people would do would be waste so much time using the computer or playing video games that they lose track of time and waste a lot of time on it. the bad about this is that you are just siting there not doing anything and not be active also your just looking at a screen which slowly are missing up your eyes. which just adds on to society not doing anything and sort of just go dumber because your not really doing anything.

One of the main goals that the companies of these electronic devices tend to stick to is to make your life much easier and to make whatever you are doing much easier. but sometimes what they do is they make things much to easy that it starts to make as lazy because it does it for as. like if you had homework and your homework was to find out something that happen in history people who didn't have electronic devices would have to look through textbooks and read a few books that talks about the history your looking for. the benefits from that would be that you would get better with using a textbook and looking for things. now a days if we had the same homework would just google whatever we are looking for and just print out what we found out and that would be it. which just makes as lazy because we didn't really have to read through a lot of text just to find out the info we are looking for. electronic devices do so much now a days that most stuff can be done for you some things even think for you. when you use the internet everything that you do is saved on the history so lets say the next day you want to go back to the same website but you dont remember the name of the website you were on, you can just go back to your history and just look back at whatever you were doing yesterday. leaving you to remember less and not having to do much because the internet is pretty much doing it for you along the way.

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 17 - Outline Suggestions - November 2

partner didn't do there outline

HW 16 - Big Paper 1 Outline - Nov. 2

EQ: how has Digital / Electronic effected our society and how we live

Thesis: technology has become very important in our society, it has made a lot of our lives easier in many different ways but it also makes most of as very attached to it as well.

Argument 1: How technology has made our lives easier

Technology can be helpful in a lot of ways between trying to figure out where you are and where you want to go to looking up something for your homework technology in some ways makes things much easier for people. If we were trying to look for a old classmate or maybe a family member that you have no talked to for a while technology can help with this. You can use your computer and try to look for who ever you want plus these social networks like Facebook or Myspace makes looking for someone a whole lot easier.

Argument 2: The bads about technology

Even though there are a lot of good things about technology there are also things that are bad. What technology always tries to focus is to make things easier for you. Technology has gotten to a point where you pretty much don’t even need to leave your house anymore to get anything you can buy things you need online and it just gets shipped to your house so you don’t even have to really put in effort in to looking for what you needed you can just find it online. Which just adds up to making people lazier and not wanting to go out and do these basic things because you can just find it online. Sometimes I think that our society might turn out to be like the people in WALL- E where everyone is lazy in a chair everything is pretty much done for you and you have a digital screen to do what you want.


Overall I think technology is a good thing but in moderation. Like its ok if you want to use the computer or play video games and stuff like that but you should do it in moderation and know when its time to go take a break and go outside to do something else. I think that if society were to use technology in moderation than we might not turn in to the people in WALL E.

HW 15 - ABCDEF 3 - Treasure Hunting