Friday, January 22, 2010

HW 37 - Cool Paper Done Draft

As we pursue this idea of cool, we forget what we value and no longer live our own way, but in a way that was paved throughout the years. This gives us a sense of satisfaction, but also makes us lonely in our lives. People in our society are always changing weather it could be from changing the type of clothes they wear or it being changing themselves completely but it always ends up connecting back to being cool or trying to be cool. The media is always trying to tell as whats cool and whats not from there people either decide if they want to be the person that the media is showing or to be someone opposite from that person so they themselves can feel a sense of coolness. what cool also tends to do is that it tends to create conflicts and its usually between teenager. Alot of teenagers are always caught up on cool or trying to be cooler that it always seems to cause conflict, there are alot of different cools meaning that something that's cool to one person might not be cool to another person which causes alot of conflicts. The other conflects that cool tends to do would be trying to outmatch your friends or just the people around you. The way people would try to outmatch one way would be by how they dress, they would try to make sure that everything they have on is cool to them and nice so that they can try to be cool to other people and outmatch people that dress the same way as them.

There are alots of ways that people change to become cool. a few ways that people try to become cooler would be by changing what they wear or by changing how they act. people try to become cooler for lots of reasons as well weather its to be accept by a social circle or to feel more important but in any case theres always a need to be cool. the problem with the need to feel cool is that once you finally do it and you feel cooler than you were before you well sort of feel this emptiness that you are just being someone else and not really being you because you had to change alot of things about yourself so that you can get to where you are right now. most people would say that they didn't change at all and that this comes naturally to them but the real truth is that they did change either in a big way or a small way. Another thing that could happen to the person who is trying to become cool is that they buy all these new things so they can try to fit in and they try to hang with new people but what could happen is that it can backfire on them. Where people might see them as fake and trying to be something there not but the bottom line is we are all trying to play a role that we are not.

society sees cool as something good and that we should all try to find our sense of cool in a way. I think that cool doesn't really help our society but sort of makes more problems for our society because we have all these different people trying to be cool and we have all these different views of cool that theres always going to be some type of conflict going on. what cool also usally do to people in our society is it makes people change alot to a point that they are accpected by a group of people but they might still feel empty so they either might change again or just stay the way they are. There are times though that cool in a socity can be a good thing. One day in class andy was telling as about this guy where he lives and how he's one of the coolest people around and how everyone respected him and some who looked up to him in someways. What he did was he made this afterschool thing for kids so that if kids needed help with there homework or something they can go there to get help. This goes to show how cool can sometimes be a good thing because here's someone who was thought of being cool and he did a good thing with it by making this afterschool program help.

cool can also effect sort of your life pattern and can pretty much shape your future in a way. for exmaple you said in your blog"For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" cool would be the main reasons for people to chose how they live because the kid who live in a housing projects and buys prada shoes in his social circle and where he lives that is the right thing to do and hes just trying to be accpted by the people in his social circle and also where he lives. Than compared to other people like "or a white rich kid who decides to join a fraternity rather than a social justice club at college - or the immigrant boy who gets crossed up between wanting to make his parents proud and wanting to be cool at school and finally decides to become a doctor after all" it all depends on your background and otherthings and from there you can get the sense on how your life well play it because it will follow these patterns, there are times though that your pattern might make a sharp turn and your life becomes different than it would have been but usally that doesn't happen.

Cool can be taken a few ways, like there are goods and bads to cool so we really can't say cool is all bad I guess its just how its used and where its used that you can really judge if its good or bad.

HW 36 - Triangle Partner Help


Main Idea: In new york city, it is very easy to be considered cool and most of us are. We are surrounded by things that we want because we think it will give us that notification from others that allows us to be known as cool

Matt- i thought that the arguments you had were really good and the article that you brought up about " a poverty of the mind", was really good evidence. i think that something else you should include as well in your paper would be talking about cool as a life style like what we talked about in class, about a black kid living in the projects buying Prada shoes and how he might end up dropping out and stuff.

another little thing is just to check your grammer but overall its a good paper

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Everyone trys to be cool in there own ways sometimes changing themselves completely to do so but the end result will always be the same in having some type of lone less. People in our society are always changing weather it could be from changing the type of clothes they wear or it being changing themselves completely but it always ends up connecting back to being cool or trying to be cool. The media is always trying to tell as whats cool and whats not from there people either decide if they want to be the person that the media is showing or to be someone opposite from that person so they themselves can feel a sense of coolness. what cool also tends to do is that it tends to create conflicts and its usually between teenager. Alot of teenagers are always caught up on cool or trying to be cooler that it always seems to cause conflict, there are alot of different cools meaning that something that's cool to one person might not be cool to another person which causes alot of conflicts. The other conflects that cool tends to do would be trying to outmatch your friends or just the people around you. The way people would try to outmatch one way would be by how they dress, they would try to make sure that everything they have on is cool to them and nice so that they can try to be cool to other people and outmatch people that dress the same way as them.

There are alots of ways that people change to become cool. a few ways that people try to become cooler would be by changing what they wear or by changing how they act. people try to become cooler for lots of reasons as well weather its to be accept by a social circle or to feel more important but in any case theres always a need to be cool. the problem with the need to feel cool is that once you finally do it and you feel cooler than you were before you well sort of feel this emptiness that you are just being someone else and not really being you because you had to change alot of things about yourself so that you can get to where you are right now. most people would say that they didn't change at all and that this comes naturally to them but the real truth is that they did change either in a big way or a small way.

society sees cool as something good and that we should all try to find our sense of cool in a way. I think that cool doesn't really help our society but sort of makes more problems for our society because we have all these different people trying to be cool and we have all these different views of cool that theres always going to be some type of conflict going on. what cool also usally do to people in our society is it makes people change alot to a point that they are accpected by a group of people but they might still feel empty so they either might change again or just stay the way they are.

cool can also effect sort of your life pattern and can pretty much shape your future in a way. for exmaple you said in your blog "For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" cool would be the main reasons for people to chose how they live because the kid who live in a housing projects and buys prada shoes in his social circle and where he lives that is the right thing to do and hes just trying to be accpted by the people in his social circle and also where he lives.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc. W

what i agree with is that there are some patterns between finding out what you are going to be / do in life by following your pattern. what goes in to your pattern would be where you live and mostly how your family is because they do effect on what you do in life like you said in your blog "For instance the Central American kid who lives in East LA and joins a gang rather than the few afterschool opportunities - or a Black kid who lives in a housing project and buys Prada shoes rather than saving for college" your parents are the one who effects most of what you do because like some people say your parents live through you is sorta true like what mr. fanning said how his father like his tattoos because he wanted them but where he came from they were sort of looked down on so his father never got them. how i grown up so far and how my parents have brought up me to see that school comes first and to go to collage so i see myself going to collage. but i feel that it mostly depends on the area you live in and who you grow up with that determines what you really do in life and the choices you do in life to. there is a chances of a choice you do is different and might change your life but sometimes that doesn't happen that much depending on the life style and pattern you are following.

Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

thesis: everyones trys to be cool at one point or another to feel more inportant or to feel Accepted by other people but the end result will always be the same of having some type of emptyness

body 1: how people try to become cool

body 2: how our soicty sees cool

body 3: the results of being cool

con: sum it all up by connecting back to the thesis and other arguments

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

tattoos is just another way to express and try to be different than other people. i feel that tattoos just fits under the same category of trying to be cool or trying to be different. the only big difference about a tattoo is that its not like clothes that you can just change and never have to see again tattoos stay on for life unless you have it removed which cost a lot of money and not many people can afford that. what most people try to do when they are get a tattoo is that they try to get something that would represent them for life and something that they could live with to. what i feel that a lot of celebrities do which people try to copy but than end up losing is that a lot of celebrities will get a tattoo without thinking about it and they would get it about anything but if they end up not liking it after a while or the tattoo picture / symbol they got isn't cool anymore they just get it removed and either get another one or never get one again. than some people try to do the same thing or try to copy a celebrities tattoo and once the celebrity gets it removed they want to get it removed to but what ends up happening is they end up staying with it because they don't have the money to get it removed. there are some people who get tattoos for really good reasons and it could be about a loved one who died or it could be about army relate things. tattoos like those have some type of deep meaning and just means something to you and might not make sense to other people but if it makes sense to you i thinks thats all that really matters.