Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HW 30 - Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

people well always at one point or another or all the time will have a sense of meanlessness. people also always try to be things or try to do things that will make other people judge as. what we all soon seem to figure out is that at one point or another our lives are going to end, and most the lives we live or end up living or useless pointless lives that really doesn't mean noting to know one but maybe yourself. one of the things that really mix with not being meaninglessness but it ends up turning to noting is cool in general. people try to be cool to feel like they are a part of something and that they can relate to other people if it has to be with wearing the same thing or something like that they try to be a part of it. but the end result to that is that you are still going to be filled with the sense of being meaningless and also so a sense of emptiness because there might always be a person that you think is cool and is always dressing cool that you cant really catch up to them so you start to give up and that just ends in you feeling meaningless again. what i think everyone try's to do on a daily basis is to try to find a sense of meaning and to try to figure out what they can do to feel like they have a reason to be here being cool is just one way of trying to find a sense of meaning but even that might turn to backfire on you.

i was reading this short thing about Becker's theory of the fear of annihilation in death and there was this quote that said
"A generalized expectation of danger occurs during the stressful condition known as anxiety. The anxious person experiences a state of heightened tension that Walter Cannon described in 1927 as readiness for "fight or flight." If the threat passes or is overcome, the person (or animal) returns to normal functioning. Anxiety has therefore served its purpose in alerting the person to a possible danger. Unfortunately, sometimes the alarm keeps ringing; the individual continues to behave as though in constant danger. Such prolonged stress can disrupt the person's life, distort relationships, and even produce life-threatening physical changes. Is the prospect of death the alarm that never stops ringing? Is death anxiety the source of people's most profound uneasiness? Or is death anxiety a situational or abnormal reaction that occurs when coping skills are overwhelmed?"
one of the main messages i got from this quote was that when people are in a sense that they know danger going to happen to them or they know there going to die they start to act differently and i guess in a panic sorta which changes how they are in general and i feel that sometimes happens to people which ends up for them having pointless life's because they thought about it to much that it took to much time for them to make a real dession

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