Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 28 - Informal Research - Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

Brett, Cliff. "Top 10 steps on how to be cool in college: As told by me.." WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2007. Web. 7 Dec 2009.

in this reading it talks about the 10 steps on how to be cool in college and if you were to follow these 10 steps that you would be consider cool.

I think that this guy was joking around about a lot of the steps he made because a lot of the steps you really would not do like there was one step where he saids "be sure to have a T-Shirt that looks like your grandma Minnie's night gown. If you cannot afford a Tall T, USE YOUR GRANDMA Minnie's night gown!" and than in other parts of the steps he makes them sound like he's joking

who, alan. "how to be cool." feb,16,2009. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

in this reading this guy just talks about 20 you need to know about being cool, some of the steps that he talks about are things you might have heard before others are just a little random and thinks outside of the box which would be a little cool because its being different.

i think that this reading was reading was pretty good and most of the things he wrote was pretty common about being yourself and some other things but than there are some other things that he wrote that were different that the most people would not do but most of the things he wrote were good.

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