Monday, December 14, 2009

HW 29 - Merchants of Cool

What these corporations try to do is they do to find out what we like is they do a lot of research. They either go to where a lot of teens hang out and ask question or they do what the guy did in the video which was one on one with a teenager asked him a bunch of questions and checked the things he wearied. After these corporations gets the information that they do than is they have a meeting and see what they have already to put out there so teens will like it and buy it. Doing these types of field works helps them a lot because they get to really see what teens like and after knowing what teens like than from there they are able to start manipulating us by making different products that they know we will end up buying.

If you were to bad advertising I think that it would hurt the big corporations in some ways but than I can see them figuring out different ways to still get there product out there and for teens to buy it, like word of mouth could advertise what the corporation is selling people just talking about it and wearing it which starts a chain of other people doing it and it just goes on from there so I don’t really think there is really a way to stop corporations from advertising they will always find a way around it.

Well what the corporations’ already doing is pretty messed up already. What they are doing is there taking our ideas than making a product with our ideas and just selling it right back to as and they make a profit and we just buy back our ideas. The thing is we just help the corporations by buy buying our ideas back which is there product so either way we are both at felt.

I think what was Britney Spears did was wrong about dressing the way she did in a young age but it really wasn’t her felt she just wanted to be famous and a star so she was willing to do anything pretty much to get there, and the corporations knew this so they were the ones who told her to dress like that or act like that and she pretty much knew that if she said no that they would just replace her with another girl that would. I am not really sure why millions of teens consume the image I think it was because they saw this young pop star doing all these things making music dressing the way she dressed that a lot of people wanted to be like her and they thought it was cool. I think that it does this sort of image lead to loveless performance of alienated hyper-sexuality in the name of cool but this just goes back to our society being the way it is and also how big corporations just takes advantage of this.

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