Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HW 14 -Second Text

In "Everything bad for you is good" by Steven Johnson There a part where he talks about Television. He starts of by talking about some things that are good about it, a few things that he said were that how it in proves your cognitive work and also depending on what you are viewing it Television can exercise your mind in different ways. The other thing he tends to talk about is that there are shows that really make you think and you really have to analyze it, than there are other shows that just give you the answers and you really don't have to do much thinking at all which is not that great because you will probably end up zoning out.

I agree with a lot of Johnson's points, one point that i agree with a lot was when he talk about how shows with a complex narratives makes people want to watch the show more and makes them think more, but than some shows are very easy to understand and the narrative about the show is not that complex so people might watch the show but not for a long time. for example Johnson talks about a show called "Starsky and Hutch" and how the show wasn't really that complex and a lot of people understood it but when you compared it to "hill Street Blues" which was a more complex show and some people didn't really get it. also another good way to compare these two shows would be the graph that was in the reading. Johnson had a graph which showed how complex a show would be, for "Starsky and Hutch" if you were to look at the graph it was pretty much a straight line but there were maybe about two shows that were different. Now comparing that to "Hill Street Blues" you can see in the graph that there were about nine lines which would mean that it was more complex and it would be a little harder to understand.

When you compare "Everything bad is good for you" to the book "feed" I would say that there were a lot of similar ideas they both had. What Johnson tend to do a lot would be to go back in to the past and talk about television and how it was back than and also how there were shows that were pretty complex and would really make you think. and in "feed" he would just talk about the digital / electronic devices that we are so hooked on today and how it causes a lot of problems. I feel that they are both on point though in there ideas in how people today are pretty hooked on to there electronic devices and how there might be use full electronic devices but than there are others that are pretty useless but we end up using it a lot.

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