Friday, October 9, 2009

HW 10 - Informal Research Internet

What this article is mainly trying to answer the question if video games are good or bad for you, and the article answer by saying that video games are pretty good. Some of the arguments they had were how video games is a great stress relief and also talks about how it improves the logic thinking that people make. the other argument they talk about is quicker decision making that playing video games can help you make some quicker decision.

I sort of agree with this article about it saying how it can be a stress relive and how some games have a lot of decisions and how playing a lot of these games can help you be quicker in making decisions. But I still think that you should not play games for to long because than the game you are playing to try to release some stress might give you more stress which just defeats the purpose.

What the article was talking about was if cell phones are good or bad for you. The first thing he brings up is what people have said about how cell phones give radiation and also it rises the chances of you getting cancers, but than the other thing he brings up is how true are some of these facts. But what he ended up saying was that there isn’t enough evidence at this point to say that it gives radiation or if it rises your changes of getting cancer.

i sort of agree with this article, the writer states what some people have said which was that it can give you radiation and also talks about the chances of cancer but the main problems with these point is that there is not a lot of evidence to really prove this so it kind of leaves unsure if its true or not. but i feel that cell phones are useful because it helps you keep in touch with people.

in this short article the main points was that ipods can effect you in alot of ways and how it can sometimes cause ADHD and also after a long peroid of time can make you deaf

i feel that ipods are not really harm full, i've had a ipod for a few years now and i am still the same i have not seen any of these effects happen to me. but i do feel that if you put the volume of your ipod really loud than that might effect you alot in the near future.

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