Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HW 14 -Second Text

In "Everything bad for you is good" by Steven Johnson There a part where he talks about Television. He starts of by talking about some things that are good about it, a few things that he said were that how it in proves your cognitive work and also depending on what you are viewing it Television can exercise your mind in different ways. The other thing he tends to talk about is that there are shows that really make you think and you really have to analyze it, than there are other shows that just give you the answers and you really don't have to do much thinking at all which is not that great because you will probably end up zoning out.

I agree with a lot of Johnson's points, one point that i agree with a lot was when he talk about how shows with a complex narratives makes people want to watch the show more and makes them think more, but than some shows are very easy to understand and the narrative about the show is not that complex so people might watch the show but not for a long time. for example Johnson talks about a show called "Starsky and Hutch" and how the show wasn't really that complex and a lot of people understood it but when you compared it to "hill Street Blues" which was a more complex show and some people didn't really get it. also another good way to compare these two shows would be the graph that was in the reading. Johnson had a graph which showed how complex a show would be, for "Starsky and Hutch" if you were to look at the graph it was pretty much a straight line but there were maybe about two shows that were different. Now comparing that to "Hill Street Blues" you can see in the graph that there were about nine lines which would mean that it was more complex and it would be a little harder to understand.

When you compare "Everything bad is good for you" to the book "feed" I would say that there were a lot of similar ideas they both had. What Johnson tend to do a lot would be to go back in to the past and talk about television and how it was back than and also how there were shows that were pretty complex and would really make you think. and in "feed" he would just talk about the digital / electronic devices that we are so hooked on today and how it causes a lot of problems. I feel that they are both on point though in there ideas in how people today are pretty hooked on to there electronic devices and how there might be use full electronic devices but than there are others that are pretty useless but we end up using it a lot.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HW 13 - Feed B

The thing about feed thats different than any most books out there is that it had alot of messages in there. for a few examples everything that happen in the book related to as in some way, shape or form. when they talk about the feed the author is mostly talking about us and how we use digital / electronic devices and how we are so hooked on it as well. Another thing that the author does is he sorts of points out all the problems that we as teenage tend to have which would be all the electronic devices we use. The other thing that makes feed different than any other book is that it list problems but doesn't state a way for you  to fix the problems he just sort of leaves that for as to decide. 

I feel that this book was mostly for teenagers like  the whole book was basically about teenagers and how hook they are to the feed, and the reason i say that this book is sort of pointed out for teens is because alot of teens can maybe relate to the characters in the book or just relate to how much digital / electronics that was used. Feed can be seen as a piece of work because it sends a strong messages to as about how are we today as teens and how we are so caught up in our own feed which is electronic devices that we don't really notice anything else happening around as, like right now the environment is not doing that great and one of the problems is global warming. And the problem is we are so in to our daily life's of using electronics devices  that most teens don't really care about what going on even though it could mean the end of our world.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW 12 - Feed A

What i think the book feed is about is about these kids that are all in to there own feed. I also feel that feed paints a good picture in how teens are with there digital / electronic devices today. like the feed in general to as is all the electronics things we use on a daily basis TV, games, i pods, computer are pretty much what the feed really is. It seems that as teenagers we are so caught up with new electronic devices, and what are good things to buy and what are not good things to buy we sort of forget about what happening on our world today. Like one of the problems with our environment and all global warming and we are so in to our digital devices we don't care to notice or don't even really care.

I think that there were not many tragedy in the book that i can connect to myself but the thing i can connect to would be when they start talking about sort of like the bubble there living in is not doing that great and its sort of coming to a end. I can connect that to myself and what happening today because as of right now our environment is not doing that great and if we don't take care of that than and we keep living our lives zone out in our digital / electronic devices our world to might come to a end.

I think that feed didn't miss the point at all i think that the author M.T. Anderson did very good in writing this book, i felt that he really knew how teenagers are today and what we do on a daily basis. I feel that titus and his crew are pretty much like as but more in the future but who knows maybe thats where we are heading.

Friday, October 9, 2009

HW 11 - Self-Experiment 1

What i did when i went home was i used less digital / electronic things like i didn't use my computer and also i didn't watch TV for that long either i cut back on that and using my phone. and doing so made me going to sleep early and that was sort of help fully because when i got up to go to school the next day i had a lot of energy and i wasn't tired at all. The next day i decide to do double digital and i used my computer and i also went on my xbox and stayed up pretty late playing it also ended up going to sleep late and the side effect to doing that was that i got less sleep also when i had to go to school i was pretty tired.

After doing both of less digital and double digital i feel that i should sort of be in the middle of both because using less digital is good but sometimes it can get pretty boring, and useing double digital is not really that great either because you might feel tired more from the lack of sleep or something else. so i would like to be in the middle where i would use digital things but to a limit.

HW 10 - Informal Research Internet

What this article is mainly trying to answer the question if video games are good or bad for you, and the article answer by saying that video games are pretty good. Some of the arguments they had were how video games is a great stress relief and also talks about how it improves the logic thinking that people make. the other argument they talk about is quicker decision making that playing video games can help you make some quicker decision.

I sort of agree with this article about it saying how it can be a stress relive and how some games have a lot of decisions and how playing a lot of these games can help you be quicker in making decisions. But I still think that you should not play games for to long because than the game you are playing to try to release some stress might give you more stress which just defeats the purpose.

What the article was talking about was if cell phones are good or bad for you. The first thing he brings up is what people have said about how cell phones give radiation and also it rises the chances of you getting cancers, but than the other thing he brings up is how true are some of these facts. But what he ended up saying was that there isn’t enough evidence at this point to say that it gives radiation or if it rises your changes of getting cancer.

i sort of agree with this article, the writer states what some people have said which was that it can give you radiation and also talks about the chances of cancer but the main problems with these point is that there is not a lot of evidence to really prove this so it kind of leaves unsure if its true or not. but i feel that cell phones are useful because it helps you keep in touch with people.

in this short article the main points was that ipods can effect you in alot of ways and how it can sometimes cause ADHD and also after a long peroid of time can make you deaf

i feel that ipods are not really harm full, i've had a ipod for a few years now and i am still the same i have not seen any of these effects happen to me. but i do feel that if you put the volume of your ipod really loud than that might effect you alot in the near future.

HW 9 - Video Project GHIJK

HW 8 - Comment on Triangle Partners' Videos Projects

HW 7 - Interviews and Surveys

cousin: "I think that the more we move on to the future the more and more digital objects we are going to use. I also feel like company keep making newer and better digital products not only just to make money but also i kind of feel like they want as to stay home more as well, because now you can do a lot of things on the internet without having to leave your home"  

my reaction: I felt that what my cousin was saying is true and the part where he said that company keep making products for as to stay home more is pretty true as well there so many things you can do with digital / electronic things that you don't even have to leave your house hardly to get anything. 

HW 6 Video Project

when i was watching my own video it felt kind of werid, i looked pretty space out and i was really hook on the computer and also useing my sidekick. i would not mind my sister being on the computer but if she did it all day without taking a break or going outside than i would not really like it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

hw 4 triangular comments 1

steph, I thought that your first post was very good. I like how you talk about how for some people find it easyer to share there feelings in a text than to see the person face to face, I feel that its true for some people because not really being in front of the person makes it easyer to say what you have to say, and the other thing you did pretty well was adding on to that saying are we being lazy or emotionally unstable and that made me think it was a mixture of the two. what i also like is the way you ended it as a question it also made me think is it really helping or messing up our community. It was very good hope to read more blogs from you.

HW 4 triangular comments 1

matt, I really like reading your post about your thoughts on digital and electronic media. one of the parts i like about your post was when you were connecting WALL E to life right now with digital stuff and how we might end up going the same path with the movie, where we dont even have to leave our house to do stuff that eletranics takes care of everything. The other thing i really agree with is when you were talking about your cable box and how you were paying alot of money for it, that there is a price tag when it comes to new electronic things and how we always end up spending alot of money for the new stuff.I enjoyed reading your post and i see that there are alot of things we see in common about digital and electronic media i hope to read more post from you.