Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 41 - Initial Internet Research on Schooling
what this article was talking about was the bads about school, a few of the things he said was how most of the things we learn in school we wont really use in real life and how he also states that school is important but there is still some problems with it as a whole.
what this article is talking about is 8 essential skills that you should know but they don't teach you in school, and most of the things that he said are what you will face in life weather its between setting goals for yourself or how to save and invest your money wisely.
this article talks abouts how school should start later and in the article they did a survey and it showed that if school were to start later that students who find it hard to wake up in the morning well get better grades because they would have more energy to do that work.
what this article is talking about is sort of a guide to help teachers in some way. because it talks about how some students are motivated to learn and than how there are some students that need motivated from the teachers. more in the article it starts to list some ways that teachers can do it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A


10th grade science experment
11th grade
andys class

powerful questions
why do people try to act cool?
why do we need so much school?
why does school determine alot of things you do in life?

digital unit
cool unit
school unit

daily life

Part B

i have had many moments that have been good and bad in school. the first sort of bad moment was when i came to middle school here because i didnt know anyone and all my friends from my elemantry school went to other middle school. but after a weeks i started to talk to more people and made more friends. the few things that i dont really like about school is how early you have to wake up to get to school and also how long the day is. If school was like how it was on thursdays where we go in at 8;30 and get out at 12:30 than school would not be that bad and it would be relaxing and alot less stressfull because we would not have to stay that long in school.

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

videos on abes blog

are art project was about this kid who is cool and his seen cool by the group of people but when he goes to talk to girls or when hes around girls he gets shy. this shows that you can be cool at times but not really cool at other times.

For this video project we had to first think of a idea that we were going to do and after puting a few ideas together we came up with this. than after that the first thing we started to do was act it out before we recorded it made sure that we like it than we record it. what i did for the video was acting in the video and say some of my idea.

I feel that art can be cool if its something that you enjoy doing or if your doing a art project on something that you like.